Function of a healthy Liver
The Liver is largest organ inside the body. It is the about the size of a rugby ball, and is located on the right hand side of the body, sitting above the stomach and under the diaphragm providing key functions to ensure we stay healthy. The liver is essentially a filtration system, filtering blood and getting rid of impurities or toxins, including alcohol, prescribed medications and non-prescription drugs. The liver is also responsible the breakdown of fats, cholesterol, proteins and vitamins in the body (through bile production).
The liver is essentially a filtration system, filtering blood and getting rid of impurities or toxins, including alcohol, prescribed medications and non-prescription drugs. The liver is also responsible for the breakdown and storage of fats, cholesterol, proteins and vitamins in the body. It also stores vitamins minerals and iron to make healthy red blood cells, and it stores excess carbohydrates such as glycogen releasing them when energy is needed. The liver can also convert carbohydrates and release them as glucose into the bloodstream to maintain normal blood-sugar levels.
In conclusion, the liver is the body’s factory, processing everything that we eat and drink, so we need to look after it to ensure that it keeps us healthy!
“The Liver has key functions in the body vital for our health and wellbeing. When there is an issue with the liver, it often isn’t detected until liver disease is at an advanced stage. And yet, the liver can regenerate and repair itself, so early detection and intervention is life-saving.”
Liver Health
Being healthy and eating a balanced diet are key to maintaining a healthy liver. To keep your liver healthy and functioning well, try to follow these tips:
- Drink alcohol in moderation
- Maintain a healthy weight, eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly
- Avoid toxins, such as illegal drugs, smoking, vaping and chemicals
- Practice safe sex to avoid hepatitis infection
- Be aware of any genetic liver conditions in your family tree
Our qualified practitioners are happy to provide you with information on how to look after your liver and our one-on-one LiverScan consultation following the Fibroscan® test will explain the simple steps that can make a big difference in the health of your liver.
Some conditions or Behaviours that affect the health of the liver and that can lead to liver scarring (Fibrosis) or severe fibrosis (Cirrhosis) are listed below,
- Fatty Liver Disease due to excessive weight and/or metabolic disorders (e.g. Diabetes)
- Excess Alcohol Intake
- Haemochromatosis (Iron overload)
- Chronic Viral Hepatitis (Hep B and C)
- Auto Immune Hepatitis (A condition where a person’s own antibodies attack the liver)
- Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) (Hardening of the bile ducts)
- Drug or Medication Induced Liver Injury
Some of these conditions are genetic (hereditary).
Useful websites
For more information on your liver, the following sites may be useful